Sunday, October 21, 2007

Our New Home is Official

We have completely vacated our former home in Cybrary City II, and are now located on Info Island. We are still rebuilding sections of the Garden, but the patio is available for book discussions and other literary events.

Please come visit us in our new home!
If you are interested in presenting book discussions, poetry readings, or other literature-related events please contact Sonja Morgwain (IM me in-world in Second Life, or email It can be a one-time commitment, or a regularly scheduled event.

The Reader's Garden is also available for small group meetings. The patio seats 20, and all seats are within chat range. Please contact Sonja Morgwain to reserve the Garden.

Recommended Second Life Groups (contact Sonja Morgwain to have your group added to the list)

  • Book Discussion Circle
  • Infomaniacs
  • Librarians of Second Life